this chasm

A Poem by Lilah Rosenfield

  I can hear them
  Words across the chasm
  As if the hole weren't there
  As if my arms reached out
  Could grasp
  For care

  I can't

  If I could shout
  Take the words and form them
  Into shim'ring pellets
  To fling across the pit
  That would

  But no

  The problem is
  The truth has always been
  The grim real'ty's that
  This maw does not eat words
  The thoughts
  They churn

  No thread

  A dying star,
  My mind's dark stands athwart
  Me and everything else
  Me and everyone else
  It takes


  And I am left alone
  Let adrift in mind
  Torn asunder
  Fabric breached
  I am

The poem "this chasm" is licensed under the CC-BY-NC-SA license. You're free to use, share and remix as you see fit so long as you provide attribution, share the result under the same license and do not use it to make money.